WordPress at http://chadsenga.com/.
2. What kind of contents do you usually share or write about?
A variety of handpicked topics revolving around the local food scene, computer and platform games, technology and gadgets, Japanese culture, Japanese anime, music, photography, sports and other things that interest me in life.
3. How did you start building your community?
I initially started posting links and photos on my Facebook page and wall as well as Twitter and Foursquare accounts for friends to see until a few started sharing them on their accounts as well.
4. What is the profile of the people who are most active in your community?
A variety of kinds who are interested in the topics that I talk about, therefore also having the same interests as mine.
5. What do you enjoy the most as a social media influencer?
I get to help people, share to them the things that make my life more awesome, in turn giving them more options on how to also make their lives awesome.

6. What is your greatest challenge as a social media influencer?
Being creative enough to really interest and drive people to view your content and let it have the public value you initially intended it to have.
7. What is your greatest learning as a social media influencer?
The world, its possibilities and the type of people in it are infinite. You can do whatever you want, but to actually interest an infinite number of people ironically can be done with just a few finite ways.
8. What kind of materials or resources do you find most useful when learning about social media?
Anything online. Dozens of Facebook pages, Google searches, reading materials, E-books, etc.
9. Who are the social media influencers you look up to? Why?
Not anyone in particular, although there are a lot of really unique and globally effective influencers out there, no doubt.
10. What is your advice or message to people who also aspire to become social media influencers?
Don't be in it for the fame or money. Be in it because it's what you want to do.
Contact Person: Chad Senga
Email Address: chadsenga@perfectrenders.com
Mobile/Landline: +63918 963 70 18
Website: http://chadsenga.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chadsengablog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadsenga
Mark Delgado (@iammarkdelgado) is a Certified Blog and Social Media Entrepreneur (CBSME) who is passionate about consultative works, creative writing, events management, ideation, startupreneurship, strategic marketing and training. He founded Mediactiv8, a startup social media marketing company that advocates digital marketing education and entrepreneurship in the Philippines. To see more of his works, please check out www.facebook.com/Mediactiv8.
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